Jonathan and erin Mathews
We are from Nashville, TN and we have served as missionaries in Brazil since 2005. We currently live in the City of Criciuma in Southern Brazil. We have five children: Samuel (20) and Jesse (18) both study at Cedarville University; and Abigail (16), Hannah (14), and Benjamin (12) are homeschooled.
The Oasis Project
Project Overview
Our vision is to see a church planted in every least-reached community of Brazil in our generation. To do this, we focus on developing leaders who can plant and multiply healthy churches. The Oasis Project will help us accomplish our vision by building a training and development center for urban church planters in São Paulo, Brazil.
Goal: $95,000
To build a 5,000 multi-purpose building.
To be used for training and developing church planters.
To be used by the local church for community outreach.
The Oasis Project
This simple building is what we need to help train and develop church planters in Cidade Tiradentes. SPECS
You can Help
Pray for the missionaries and local pastors involved in this project.
Pray that God will provide the resources needed to finish the construction in 2025.
Pray that God will raise up a new generation of leaders and church planters.
Interns and Teams
We are accepting applications for interns (4-12 weeks) and residents (10 months) to serve with us for 2025-2026.
We are enlisting 5 short-term mission teams to serve at the Oasis Project in 2025 - 2026.
Global Workers
We are asking God to send us more full-time global workers to this harvest field. Please pray with us.
Write your check out to “SEND GLOBAL”
Send your check to: Send Global, 241 Craigmeade Drive, Nashville, TN 37214
WIRE TRANSFER: Our preferred method for receiving donations. Please e-mail for details.
ONLINE: Click Here
Jonathan and Erin Mathews
Phone: +1 (513) 973-2328